Credit Association of Singapore


We are now the Credit Association of Singapore. It’s part of our rebranding to showcase how we have evolved as an industry together with all our members

Login For Members Only

The President

For the Credit Association of Singapore to be effective and achieve the objects it has set forth, Registry of Moneylenders and the Association have agreed that all registered moneylenders endeavour to be members of the Association. We hope to ensure every moneylender in Singapore is a member of the Association.


The Association has set the following as its objectives:

  • To represent, develop and promote the interest of members.
  • To project moneylending as an important and integral part of the business of financing of individuals and businesses.
  • To maintain close ties and cordial relationships with governmental and relevant authorities through consultation and cooperation.
  • To keep members informed of developments in the industry.
  • To advocate ethical practice in the moneylending industry.
  • To uphold our motto of “INTEGRITY ABOVE ALL”
ML Operations & Compliance Training Class
ML Operations & Compliance Training Class
PMFT Rules Training Registration
PMFT Rules Training Registration
The President
The President


We are now the Credit Association of Singapore. It's part of our rebranding to showcase how we have evolved as an industry together with all our members.

Membership Application Form
You may wish to download the application form here , fill it up and mail it to us accordingly as stated in the form.
For Moneylenders

Registration Date with
Registrar of Societies (ROS) : 13-12-2005
Registration Number: T05SS0239E



Constitution of the Credit Association of Singapore – The constitution states the objects, membership qualification & rights, application & cessation, dues payable Management & Committee and conduct of General Meetings.
Constitution (downloadable)



Membership Form – members who have yet to submit their membership form can download it below. The completed form can then be sent to the Association. All moneylenders should endeavour to be members of the Association to strengthen the voice of CAS and also to benefit from its services and service products.

Membership Application Form (downloadable)


Moneylending Software(ML Loan System)

CAS, during the dialog sessions with ROM and MAS on the “consultation” phase of the new Moneylending Act and Rules – it was anticipated that such a requirement will soon follow after the implementation of new Moneylending Act. In anticipation of such a requirement, CAS commissioned for the development of a comprehensive software for all moneylenders that is in compliance with the revised Moneylending Act and Rules that came into effect on 1st March 2009. The Software was introduced in April 2009.

Moneylending Software(ML Loan System)


The CAS website has been revamped to provide better services to its members and the public at large. There have been a number of adverse press reports on the moneylending business. The Association has also spoken to the media to arrest these adverse reports. It is sad that to know that there are a handful of Lenders who have actually abused the new Act and take advantage of borrowers who are in need of funds. These few has invariably brought dispute to the money lending industry in general.


The general public, by way of an online application can request that they be informed prior to granting a loan or refuse any loan applications – made by their relatives. Where such requests are made the service provider will ensure verifications to deter any abuse of this feature. The service provider may charge the “requesting” person a nominal fee.

When a moneylender receives an application for loan, he/she can check from the “search” provision in the website, by entering the applicants name or ID. The report will show as to the number of moneylenders the applicant has borrowed from and as to whether the applicant is banned or need his/her relatives consent.

This valued information is very useful for moneylenders.

Our Recent News

The Police are investigating seven persons for their suspected involvement in a case of loan scam after their...
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The Credit Association of Singapore (CAS) is conscious of the extreme difficulty a lot of people are going...
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   The number of domestic helpers borrowing from licensed moneylenders has surged almost 20 times, in just...
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Our Address:
865 Mountbatten Road, #06-39, Singapore 437844
Our Email:
Phone Number:
6734 8865